Can the right curtains save you $ on energy bills?

We all want to save money on our electricity, water, heating and cooling bills.

Turns out scientists have confirmed that uncovered windows are responsible for up to 50% of unwanted heat gain in summer and 40% of heat loss in winter.

Besides saving on your energy bills, there are other practicalities to having the right curtains hanging in your windows. Thinks: increased thermal and noise insulation, UV protection, privacy and darkening rooms.

You can easily block drafts and keep rooms warms in winter with blackout curtains. They have been shown to reduce energy loss by up to 25% as well as blocking out drafts from doors and windows.

Red Dot has a large range of block out curtains in a variety of colours:

Using warmer blankets and Manchester in winter months can also help you save on heating.

Update your bedroom look with a new, warmer coverlet set, throws and blankets from Red Dot. At 20% off right now, don’t miss out!

Looking for other ways to save?

Turning off appliances and lights when not in use and unplugging any electronics that aren’t being used, (phone chargers and computers) can all add up to energy savings.

Another easy tip during the day, especially when you’re at work, is to close doors to rooms which makes it easier to keep them warm without using heating in winter.

Saving money on energy bills doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. Get into your nearest Red Dot store and get stocked up and ready for winter!