Every month Red Dot supports a local charity. This month we are proud to partner with Operation Sunshine WA.

Operation Sunshine WA is a volunteer run, Perth based charity that provides aid to women, children and young adults escaping domestic violence, abuse and crisis in our local community.

Each year, thousands of children and young adults are displaced from their homes due to violence, abuse, and neglect. Through no fault of their own, they enter out-of-home care and crisis accommodation at little or no notice. Many of these children and young adults arrive with no belongings of their own, at times with just the clothes they are wearing.

With the assistance of the Sunshine Pack initiative, those entering out-of-home care and crisis accommodation are provided with packs that are carefully selected and filled with age and gender appropriate essential and comfort items. These packs help to create a sense of self-worth, preserve dignity, show they are valued and cared about, give comfort, and help alleviate the isolation and negative impact of displacement.

Donations to Operation Sunshine WA will be used to purchase new items for Sunshine Packs and assist in the journey of healing from trauma.

You can donate throughout the month of February at any of our Red Dot or Red Dot Home stores. Your donation will make a real difference to help rebuild the lives of domestic violence and abuse survivors.